Stones in His Pockets


JUNE 12 – 30, 2024

Wednesday, June 12: Pay-What-You-Will Preview
Thursday, June 13: Final Preview
Friday, June 14: Opening Night

Wednesday – Saturday evenings at 7:30pm
Friday matinee June 21st at 2:00pm
Sunday matinees at 2:00pm

Rural Ireland goes Hollywood glam!

Charlie and Jake are a couple of resourceful Irish lads working as extras on a Hollywood flick being shot in their homeland. Directors, divas, local legends, and pub crawlers come and go at breakneck speed as Big-Time Pictures and small-town Ireland battle it out for top billing. Two intrepid actors portray fifteen characters in this hilarious and heartbreaking tale of Hollywood corruption, hometown mischief, and universal pathos.

This production contains mature subject matter and adult language.

Community Partner

Pay-What-You-Will Preview

June 12th at 7:30PM

Post Show Conversation

June 21st

Photos by Cody LeSage, LeSage Media

Marie Jones, born in 1955 in Belfast amidst the city’s sectarian divide, embodies the essence of Irish storytelling. Her upbringing, marked by weekly visits with her mother to her aunt’s house, laid the foundation for her profound understanding of the power of narrative. Initially drawn to acting, Jones’s career took a pivotal turn when she founded the Charabanc Theatre Company in 1983, driven by frustration with the limited roles available to women in Belfast’s theater scene. Collaborative efforts like “Lay Up Your Ends” marked her emergence as a playwright, capturing the complexities of Irish life with humor and authenticity.

Jones’s works, including “The Blind Fiddler,” “Stones in His Pockets,” and “A Night in November,” delicately navigate themes of generational divide and political strife, inviting audiences to introspect without imposing didacticism. Through her writing, she offers a mirror to the people of Ireland, challenging stereotypes and celebrating the resilience found in everyday life. Despite receiving numerous awards and accolades, Jones’s greatest achievement lies in her ability to uplift audiences, reminding them that even in the darkest times, laughter remains a vital force.

Marie Jones, through her poignant storytelling, gives voice to the overlooked and underscores the importance of shared narratives in fostering understanding and connection within communities.


Artistic Team

Our Show Sponsors

  • The Rob and Amy Biersteker Family
  • Chris and Judi Collins
  • Joseph and Gwenn Graboyes

To learn about becoming a sponsor please contact Amy Mueller at 920-743-1760 or [email protected]

*Appearing through an agreement between Third Avenue PlayWorks and Actors’ Equity Association